Technical Associates, Inc. (TAI) has been providing Forensic Science consultation and laboratory testing on criminal and civil cases since 1980. In 1997, the laboratory moved to a new, state-of-the-art facility located in Ventura, California. TAI's staff of court-qualified experts offers a full range of criminalistics services, specializing in DNA testing and consultation. TAI accepts court appointments as well as private cases.

TAI's staff of experts has been qualified by courts in the U.S.:
o Alabama o Kansas o North Carolina
o Alaska o Kentucky o North Dakota
o Arizona o Louisiana o Ohio
o Arkansas o Maryland o Oregon
o California o Massachusetts o Pennsylvania
o Colorado o Michigan o South Carolina
o Connecticut o Minnesota o South Dakota
o District of Columbia o Mississippi o Tennessee
o Florida o Missouri o Texas
o Georgia o Montana o Utah
o Hawaii o Nevada o Vermont
o Idaho o New Hampshire o Virginia
o Illinois o New Jersey o Washington
o Indiana o New Mexico o Wisconsin
o Iowa o New York o Wyoming

o U.S. District Courts o U.S. Military Courts

And Overseas:
o Australia o Republic of Marshall Islands
o Guam o U.S. Virgin Islands